On May 31st Olivia Martinez, the Nature Ninos Charter School & NASP Coordinator, was presented with an award for Nature Nino's Outstanding Partnership with Robert F. Kennedy Middle School!
R3 Symposium Presentation
Sarah Candelaria, Youth Program Director for NMWF and Nature Ninos New Mexico, presented at this year's R3 Symposium alongside Christopher Kilgour, from Color in the Outdoors, and William Freeman Jr., with Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
Nature Niños Goes to Alaska
Ms. Sarah and Ms. Laura headed to Anchorage, Alaska to meet our Project Wild associates across the country! We were able present our findings from the "Engaging Marginalized Youth in Hunting and Angling: Identified Best Practices and Opportunities" report with the conference attendees and had time to field questions about the Nature Niños program...
At the end of April, our ITO classes enjoyed a brand new outdoor space at Mandy's Farm in the South Valley. Our morning class attended a magic show and the magician shared a few magic tricks we could practice at home! After that we hung out with the chickens and the goats.
Vamos a Pescar in Deming
Is there anything more beautiful than youth playing and learning outside? Our 3rd annual Vamos a Pescar in Deming, New Mexico was so much fun. Thank you to the City of Deming for allowing us to host this event, year after year. Thank you to the 200+ community who came out and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish...
Pecos is Getting Outdoor Programming!
Nature Niños is proud to welcome, The Village of Pecos as our first official addition to the Nature Niños Network. We are a growing community of partners working to extend outdoor experiences to youth across the state. Together as a team we'll work to create community driven nature experiences for the youth and families in the village!
RFK Middle School Outdoor Adventures
RFK students joined Nature Niños on a hike at U-Mound in the Sandia foothills! We explored different desert plant species, climbed boulders and left inspiring messages for the other hikers. Majority of the students hiked to the top of U-Mound which is an intense, steep, and kind of scary trek, but they did it! I am so proud of...
Tiny Trees Update
Our Tiny Trees class enjoyed a lovely spring day at Shady Lakes. We started our class with free play at our discovery stations and soaked in the sunshine. We sang songs and then joined Mr. Chris at the art tables. We used our hands and green paint to make stems and leaves We also experimented with putting paint on...
Thank you to the Nevada Youth Wildlife Conservation Experience for inviting the Nature Niños team to the Wild Sheep Foundation Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada. Our team was able to share the 7 key LNT principles, via a mock Camptastrophy Campsite, and the Wild Harvest Initiative concepts, with a "Match the Meal" game. We visited with over 1800+...
NOW OPEN: Spring Registration 2023
Our Investigating the Outdoors (ages 9-17) and Tiny Trees (ages 4-8) class are open for registration!