K-12 Educational Outreach
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The Leopold Education Project (LEP) curriculum guide contains 20 lessons in Aldo Leopold's land ethic, based on the classic essays in A Sand County Almanac. The lessons include engaging activities that get students outdoors - helping them hone their skills in reading the landscape through observation and hands-on participation. All of the lessons follow Leopold's style of teaching and learning through observation, participation, and reflection.
Project WILD is a conservation and environmental education program that focuses on wildlife and habitat. The goal of Project WILD is to develop awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment resulting in informed decisions, responsible behavior, and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment.
With a variety of hands-on, experiential activities, Project Learning Tree has a well-rounded curriculum for early childhood education through high school-aged lessons. NMWF has access to a wide variety of lessons to ensure the perfect fit for your classroom!
Reach out here to schedule your classroom visit or field trip experience with NMWF!